Love, Evolved with Leigh-Anne LoPinto: Conscious Relationships

Working with the Inner Masculine for Women - with Katrina Hart

Leigh-Anne LoPinto and Katrina Hart Season 1 Episode 32

I'm so happy to share this conversation that I had with my friend Katrina Hart, talking about the journey of evolution through integrating and working with the inner masculine (Carl Jung refers to this as animus integration).

This episode is for any woman who wants to learn more about working with the inner masculine for overall balance and harmony - both within herself and with relationships with others.  We speak about the importance of discernment, boundaries, logic, courageousness and overall strength.

When we develop our inner masculine in healthy ways, it can help hold our embodiment of the feminine principle at deeper levels.  This also helps us to learn the energetic agility to dance between both energetics as needed in our day to day lives - in addition to knowing the energetic signature of the healthy masculine so we can spot it in men if we are choosing partners.


The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious - Carl Jung

Animus and Anima - Emma Jung

The Animus: The Spirit of Inner Truth in Women - Barbara Hannah

Nathan Martin - The Unity Process 

Mark Passio - The Unholy Feminine

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Intro + Outro music: "Medicine" by HOL + Layv:

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